Habitat of the three-toed box turtle in North Texas

Following a brief Elm Fork Chapter business meeting, Sara Van Der Leek with talk about her research project determining home range, movements and habitat use for a fragmented population of three-toed box turtles in North Texas. Please register in advance. July 16 - July Chapter Meeting https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckdO2oqjkoHNZPzjiqaZx48iDuKlhhLpcb

Landowner Education Programs: “Habitat Improvement” and “The Birds and the Bees”


Marshall Tolleson, Grayson County Agricultural/Natural Resources Agent at Texas A&M AgriLife will discuss the ecology of the Grayson County area; Karen Glenn, Austin College Instructor/Bluestem TMN will present information about habitat for bees; and Bryon Clark, Professor Emeritus, Southeastern Oklahoma State University/Bluestem TMN, will describe good bird habitat regardless of property size. Reservations are required.... Read More →


Gardening for Monarchs & Other Wildlife with Native Plants – in Texas!


 Amid COVID-19, this interactive two-day workshop will be hosted online (via Zoom) on July 21 (12pm-5pm), and July 23 (12pm-6pm), with plenty of breaks and time for Q & A. Registration page indicates the first day of the workshop (July 21); however, once you fill out the registration form and cover the fee, you are... Read More →

Gardening for Monarchs & Other Wildlife with Native Plants – in Texas!


 Amid COVID-19, this interactive two-day workshop will be hosted online (via Zoom) on July 21 (12pm-5pm), and July 23 (12pm-6pm), with plenty of breaks and time for Q & A. Registration page indicates the first day of the workshop (July 21); however, once you fill out the registration form and cover the fee, you are... Read More →

Bats – Unsung Heroes of the Night Skies

Join the Coastal Prairie Chapter on Zoom to learn about the amazing diversity found in the bat population of the Houston area as well as in Texas. Deandra Ramsey will cover the basics of bat biology, delve into the mythology surrounding bats, and discuss how important these animals are to our ecosystems and our way... Read More →




Myths and truths about owls; owls of northern Texas. Dr. Wayne Meyer, Associate Professor of Biology, has taught ornithology at Austin College for 26 years and has spent a quarter of a century birding in Texas and Oklahoma.


Odonates (Dragonflies and Damselflies)

Following a brief Elm Fork Chapter business meeting, Michael Fox, a well know local nature photographer will give a presentation on Odonates. Mr. Fox will discuss the history and anatomy of Odonates and talk about the differences between Dragonflies and Damselflies. He will also provide tips on how to observe them, including the best times and... Read More →

Fish Management Strategies for Ponds Webinar

Join us Thursday, September 3rd from 11:30-1:00 pm to learn about options for managing fish populations in your pond.  Bring your questions.  This is sure to be a popular and very informative program presented by Dr. Todd Sink, Aquaculture Extension Specialist and Director of Texas A&M University Aquatic Diagnostics Laboratory. Best part of all, it’s... Read More →


Here come the Monarchs!


Monarch migration is underway to the north and it won't be long before we begin seeing them drifting overhead, stopping on frostweed, cowpen daisies and other wildflowers, fattening up for... Read More →


“Your Ash is on the Line”

Following a short Elm Fork Chapter business meeting, Michele Rawleigh will present "Your Ash is on the Line". Michele is an Elm Fork Chapter member, a Citizen Forester and a... Read More →