Many of our Texas Master Naturalist chapters are getting ready for a new crop of volunteers to join the TMN program! As the fall training season comes to an end and the winter/spring training season kicks off, we would like to share these classes through our statewide press channels. We encourage each chapter to utilize their local press, marketing avenues and the handiest recruiting tool of all – word of mouth!
Our TMN state office is gathering the following information to post to our website and share with an agency news release announcing upcoming 2021 trainings. Please only reply if your chapter has an upcoming training that starts after November, 2020.
Current List of Chapters with Winter/Spring Trainings:
Alamo Area Chapter
Training Dates: August 26 – November 11, 2021
Time of Day: 12 – 4:00 pm, Thursdays
Training Location: Urban Ecology Center located at Phil Hardberger Park—West (8400 N.W. Military Highway) in north-central San Antonio. Final decisions about holding a class (and if held, the class size) will be made in June, based on COVID related restrictions.
Class Limit: TBD
Registration Fee: $200
Registration Deadline: August 1, 2021
Training Coordinator: Jeanette Geiman, training2@alamomasternaturalist.org
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/alamo/class/
Balcones Canyonlands Chapter
Training Dates: August 26, 2021
Time of Day: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Training Location: Virtual, WebEx only
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: TBD
Training Coordinator: Sheila Endres, endres@texas.net
Chapter Website: https://bctxmn.org
Blackland Prairie Chapter
Training Dates: March 3 – May 6, 2021
Time of Day: Evening
Training Location: Classes from February 3 through March 31 classes will be held virtually via Zoom. Classes from April 7 through May 6 are planned for in person outdoors, subject to pandemic guidelines in place at the time.
Class Limit: 32
Registration Fee: $165
Registration Deadline: January 15, 2021
Training Coordinator: Jean Suplick, education@bptmn.org
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/bptmn/join-our-chapter/
Capital Area Chapter
Training Dates: January 9 – June 5, 2021
Time of Day: Daytime, Saturdays
Training Location: Training will be held virtually via Zoom presentations with small group field exercises as circumstances warrant.
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $175
Registration Deadline: N/A
Training Coordinator: Carla Criner, curriculum@camn.org
Chapter Website: https://camn.org
Central Texas Chapter
Training Dates: March 23 – June 1, 2021
Time of Day: 8:30 am – 12 pm
Training Location: Webinar classes with three in person field days. Virtual classes ~38 hours, in person ~10 hours
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: March 23, 2021
Training Coordinator: Lynn Fleming, centraltxmn@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/centraltexas/
Coastal Prairie Chapter
Training Dates: August 24-October 30, 2021
Time of Day: 6 pm-9 pm on Tuesdays, 9 am-1 pm on select Saturdays for field trips
Training Location: Classroom sessions via Zoom, field trips at various local venues (indoors and outdoors)
Class Limit: 24
Registration Fee: $125
Registration Deadline: August 16th, 2021
Training Coordinator: Shannon Westveer, shannon@coastalprairie.org
Class Website: https://coastalprairie.org
East Texas Chapter
Training Dates: January 26 – April 20, 2021
Time of Day: 6-9 pm Tuesdays
Training Location: Virtual to start and Discovery Science Place Annex in Tyler if in person classes can resume.
Class Limit: 25
Registration Fee: $150
Training Coordinator: Beverly Guthrie, finwren@sbcglobal.net
Chapter Website: http://txmn.org/etwd/
Elm Fork Chapter
Training Dates: August 17 – November 2, 2021
Time of Day: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, Tuesdays
Training Location: Classes will be conducted either in person or via Zoom. Each class date will be decided and announced before each week.
Class Limit: 24
Registration Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: April 30, 2020
Training Coordinator: Regina Dale, training@efctmn.org
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/elmfork/join-our-chapter/training/
Gideon Lincecum Chapter
Training Dates: January 25 – May 10, 2021
Time of Day: 1 – 4:00 pm, Mondays
Training Location: We utilize various AgriLife classrooms in our area. Primarily, we will be using the Washington County AgriLife Sales Facility and the Fayette County AgriLife office classroom.
Class Limit: 20
Registration Fee: $175
Registration Deadline: December 31, 2020
Training Coordinator: Karen and John Gardner, tmn.glc.tc.@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/glc/
Good Water Chapter
Training Dates: March 2 – May 11, 2021
Time of Day: 1 – 5:00 pm
Training Location: If permitted 100 Wilco Way, Georgetown, TX. If not then classes will be conducted online.
Class Limit: 30
Registration Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: February 23, 2021
Training Coordinator: Wayne Rhoden
Chapter Website: http://www.txmn.org/goodwater
Gulf Coast Chapter
Training Dates: January 16 – May 11, 2021
Time of Day: 5:45 – 8:30 pm
Training Location: Virtual
Class Limit: 20
Registration Fee: $175
Registration Deadline: December 28, 2020
Training Coordinator: Michelle Broussard, michelle.broussard@txgcmn.org
Chapter Website: http://www.txmn.org/gulfcoast/
Heartwood Chapter
Training Dates: April 10 – September 11, 2021
Time of Day: 8:00 am, Saturdays
Training Location: Zoom – will be all virtual until protocol changes per AgriLife and TPWD guidelines for our area. We anticipate relaxation of the current guidelines sometime this summer depending on the vaccination rate. If allowed and safe, we will attempt to do limited field trips and will only do in-person classroom instruction if allowed by AgriLife and TPWD.
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $80
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2021
Training Coordinator: Scott Ball, heartwoodtraining@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/heartwood/
Hill Country Chapter
Training Dates: February 22 – May 11, 2021
Time of Day: Varied, most daytime
Training Location: Multiple locations in three large areas of our 10 counties: Boerne, Fredericksburg, Kerrville. 58 hour course includes one-third online classes, one-third outdoor training (Field Trips and Talk/Treks), and one-third in-person classes. In-person classes and outdoor training restrict number of participants to 10, or divided into small 10-person groups. Four all-student in-person classes conducted in large Expo Hall. Preparedness plan protocols in place for all events.
Class Limit: 30
Registration Fee: $200 ($165 if you already own a textbook)
Registration Deadline: N/A
Training Coordinator: Sheryl Pender, sheryl.pender@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/hillcountry/schedule-at-a-glance-and-weekly-schedules/
Hays County Chapter
Training Dates: January 12 – October 19, 2021
Time of Day: 6:30 – 8 pm, Tuesdays
Training Location: Virtual, Zoom
Class Limit: 30
Registration Fee: $25
Training Coordinator: Mary O’Hara, Training@haysmn.org
Chapter Website: https://haysmn.org/
Lindheimer Chapter
Training Dates: January 5 – December 7, 2021
Time of Day: 6:00 pm
Training Location: Normally Comal County Agrilife Center 325 Resource Dr. New Braunfels 78132. We meet the first Tuesday of the month. We will start in January with virtual classes hopefully it will be safe to have in person classes sometime during the year.
Class Limit: 22
Registration Fee: $175
Registration Deadline: October 30, 2020
Training Coordinator: Joe Finneran, zjmf07@gmail.com
Chapter Website: ttps://txmn.org/lindheimer/
Longleaf Ridge Chapter
Training Dates: September 14- December 14, 2021
Time of Day: Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 pm
Training Location: Martin Dies Jr. State Park Group Hall
Class Limit: 20
Registration Fee: $75 single, $100 couple (sharing a handbook)
Registration Deadline: September 1st, 2021
Training Coordinator: Sharon Lamoreaux, sherlmx@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/llr/
Mid-Coast Chapter
Training Dates: February 4 – June 5, 2021
Time of Day: Thursday evenings and Saturdays
Training Location: Virtual evening sessions followed by Saturday field sessions at various venues throughout the chapter’s territory, including state parks, wildlife refuges, private ranches, conservancies, etc. The virtual to field ratio is about 35:65. Due to COVID restrictions there will be no indoor face-to-face meetings.
Class Limit: 18
Registration Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: Mid-January, 2021
Training Coordinator: Greg and Sally Simmons / Scroggs, InitialTraining@midcoast-tmn.org
Chapter Website: https://www.midcoast-tmn.org
North Texas Chapter
Training Dates: March 2 – May 25, 2021
Time of Day: 6 – 9:00pm, Tuesdays
Training Location: All sessions Virtual Training via Zoom Meetings; Activities comply with state & local COVID guidance; Field Trips scheduled for March-May if allowed under COVID restrictions; Class Projects to be scheduled for late spring through summer as allowed by COVID restrictions
Class Limit: 35
Registration Fee: $200
Registration Deadline: November 30, 2020
Training Coordinator: Nancy Wilson, newclass@ntmn.org
Chapter Website: https://public.ntmn.org/
Piney Wood Lakes Chapter
Training Dates: February 4 – April 15, 2021
Time of Day: Daytime, Thursdays
Training Location: Virtual/In-person Polk County AgriLife Extension Office. All classes will be presented in both methods. Students will have a choice.
Class Limit: 15
Registration Fee: $140
Registration Deadline: January 15, 2021
Training Coordinator: Nelda Tuthill, natuthill@sbcglobal.net
Chapter Website: http://www.txmn.org/pineywoodlakes
Prairie Oaks Chapter
Training Dates: January 13 – May 5, 2021
Time of Day: 5 – 7:50 pm, Wednesdays
Training Location: Virtual, Zoom
Class Limit: 15
Registration Fee: $100
Registration Deadline: December 20, 2020
Training Coordinator: Linda Wood, lindajwood1956@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/prairieoaks/2021-spring-training/
Rio Brazos Chapter
Training Dates: February 8, 2021
Time of Day: Evening
Training Location: Virtual via Zoom, potential for field lessons as state COVID guidelines allow.
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $125
Registration Deadline: February 8, 2020
Training Coordinator: Gaston del Pino, rbmntrain@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/rbc/
Rio Grande Valley Chapter
Training Dates: January 7 – March 25, 2021
Time of Day: Evening (6pm-9pm)
Training Location: Classes will be held virtual through Webex along with our sister chapter, South Texas Border Chapter. Field trips will adhere to Covid-19 restrictions and may be virtual pending conditions. Our hope is to conduct as many in-person field trips as possible, as safely as possible.
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: December 18, 2020
Training Coordinator: Joni Gillis, joni.rgvctmn@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://rgvctmn.org/2021-class/
Rolling Plains Chapter
Training Dates: March 4 – June 24, 2021
Time of Day: 7 – 9:00pm, Thursdays
Training Location: Training classes will take place virtually on Zoom, field trips to take if COVID restrictions allow – TBA
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $100
Registration Deadline: March 4, 2021
Training Coordinator: Lynn Seman, rlynnseman@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/rollingplains/
South Texas Chapter
Training Dates: August 7 – December 11, 2021
Time of Day: Saturday morning field sessions, virtual training meeting times TBD
Training Location: We will follow all COVID-19 Restrictions from the State TMN and each of the venues. There will one or more virtual presentation each month to prepare for the sites we are visiting.
Class Limit: N/A
Registration Fee: $165
Registration Deadline: N/A
Training Coordinator: Philip Woods, philip.woodscc@gmail.com
Chapter Website: https://txmn.org/st/2021-initial-training/