Each year at the Annual Meeting, we host a Photo, Art and Media Contest for our Texas Master Naturalist program members to showcase their passions, their skills and their hard…
Galveston Bay Foundation continues its Land Conservation Efforts with Acquisition of Flo Hannah Prairie in Brazoria County
Last week, the Galveston Bay Foundation acquired 79 acres of remnant coastal prairie in Brazoria County, as part of its continued effort to conserve coastal habitat through property acquisitions and…
2020 Project Fair: Rules & Submissions
The Texas Master Naturalist Program holds this competition during our Annual Meeting each year to share and award the premier projects of the TMN Program. While this year’s meeting may…
2020 Chapter Advisor Award: Rules & Submissions
The Texas Master Naturalist Program presents the Chapter Advisor Award to outstanding advisors and/or teams of advisors each year. The goal of the awards program is to encourage and recognize…
2020 Video Contest: Rules & Submission
Summer is here! Take advantage of this time to Create a New Video, highlighting your experience as a Texas Master Naturalist, member or trainee, or showcase your chapter at work….
Testing Post for Photo and Art
Must be a TMN member to enter! [cg_users_reg id=”1″] [cg_users_contact id=”1″] [cg_gallery id=”1″] [cg_users_login id=”1″]
Chapter Presidents Meeting – June 29, 1pm
Please see below for the June 29th Chapter Presidents Meeting notes, slides and chat room discussion.
New Training Class Directors Meeting – June 18, 2020 @ 1:30pm
Please see attached Meeting slides, notes and chat.
TMN Annual Meeting is going VIRTUAL!
As a result of the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Texas Master Naturalist Program has decided to suspend this year’s in-person event in Houston, Texas, in favor of…
State Representatives Spring 2020 Meeting – May 28, 2020 @1:30pm
Please see the Meeting Slides, notes and chat room comments linked below.